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Pushbullet Receipe

  • Official Website:
  • Icon Support: No
  • Attachment Support: Yes
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per Message

Account Setup

Pushbullet accounts are free; the Pro extension is optional and grants you a larger message limit and a few other features. Once you've signed up on You can generate your API Key by accessing your account settings and clicking on Create Access Token.


Valid receipes are as follows:

  • pbul://{accesstoken}
  • pbul://{accesstoken}/{device_id}
  • pbul://{accesstoken}/#{channel}
  • pbul://{accesstoken}/{email}

You can also form any combination of the above and perform updates from one url:

  • pbul://{accesstoken}/{device_id}/#{channel}/{email}

If neither a {device_id}, #{channel}, or {email} is specified, then the default configuration is to send to all of your configured devices.

Parameter Breakdown

accesstokenYesThe Access Token can be generated on the Settings page of your Pushbullet's account. You must have an access token for this Notification service to work.
device_idNoAssociated devices with your Pushbullet account can be found in your Settings
channelNoChannels must be prefixed with a hash (#) or they will be interpreted as a device_id. Channels must be registered with your Pushbullet account to work.
emailNoEmails only work if you've registered them with your Pushbullet account.