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Opsgenie Receipe

  • Official Website:
  • Icon Support: No
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 15000 Characters per Message

Account Setup

  1. Visit to create your account.
  2. Generate your Integration API Key

Note: You must generate an Integration API Key; this is not to be confused with the Opsgenie Management API Key.


The syntax is as follows:

  • opsgenie://{apikey}/
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/@{user}
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/@{user1}/@{user2}/@{userN}
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/*{schedule}
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/*{schedule1}}/*{schedule2}/*{scheduleN}
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/^{escalation}
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/^{escalation1}/^{escalation2}/^{escalationN}
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/#{team}
  • opsgenie://{apikey}/#{team1}/#{team2}/#{teamN}

Note: If no prefix character is specified, then the target is presumed to be a user (an @ symbol is presumed to be in front of it).

You can also mix/match the targets:

  • opsgenie://{apikey}/@{user}/#{team}/*{schedule}/^{escalation}

Parameter Breakdown

apikeyYesThis is the API Key associated with your Opsgenie account.
userNoThe user you wish to notify; this can be a username, email, or uuid4. This is the assumed default target type to notify, but it is advised you prefix all users with a @ symbol to eliminate any ambiguity.
teamNoThe team you wish to notify; this can be the team name itself, or or uuid4 associated with it. Note: Teams must be prefixed with a # symbol.
scheduleNoThe schedule you wish to notify; this can be the schedule name itself, or or uuid4 associated with it. Note: Schedules must be prefixed with a * symbol.
escalationNoThe escalation you wish to notify; this can be the escalation name itself, or or uuid4 associated with it. Note:Escalations must be prefixed with a ^ symbol.
regionNoThe 2 character region code. By default this is set to us if not specified. Europeans must set this to eu to work correctly.
batchNoSet it to Yes if you want all identified targets to be notified notified in batches (instead of individually). By default this is set to No.
tagsNoA comma separated list of tags you can associate with your Opsgenie message
priorityNoThe priority to associate with the message. It is on a scale between 1 and 5. The default value is 3 if not specified.
aliasNoThe alias to associate with the message.
entityNoThe entity to associate with the message.