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Notica Receipe

  • Official Website:
  • Icon Support: No
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per message

Account Setup

Notica doesn't require you to create an account at all. You just have to visit their website at least once to both:

  1. Get your token
  2. Enable Browser Notifications (to be sent from the Notica website)

The website will generate you a URL to post to that looks like this:

This effectively equates to:{token} Note: disregard the question mark on the URL as it is not part of the token.

From here you have two options, you can directly pass the Notica URL into magic receipe exactly how it is shown to you from the website, or you can reconstruct the URL into an Magic Receiped based one (which equates to slightly faster load times) as: notica://{token}


Valid receipes are as follows:

  • notica://{token}

For self hosted solutions, you can use the following:

  • {schema}://{host}/{token}
  • {schema}://{host}:{port}/{token}
  • {schema}://{user}@{host}/{token}
  • {schema}://{user}@{host}:{port}/{token}
  • {schema}://{user}:{password}@{host}/{token}
  • {schema}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{token}

Parameter Breakdown

tokenYesThe Token that was generated for you after visiting their website. Alternatively this should be the token used by your self hosted solution.

A self hosted solution allows for a few more parameters:

hostnameYesThe Web Server's hostname.
portNoThe port our Web server is listening on. By default the port is 80 for xml:// and 443 for all xmls:// references.
userNoIf you're system is set up to use HTTP-AUTH, you can provide username for authentication to it.
passwordNoIf you're system is set up to use HTTP-AUTH, you can provide password for authentication to it.