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Microsoft Teams Receipe

Account Setup

Create a free account at

You will need to create an Incoming Webhook to attach Magic Receipe. This can be accomplished through the the app store (bottom left hand side of slack like interface); don't worry it's free. From within the app store, search for Incoming Webhook. Once you click on it you can associate it with your team. You can also assign it a name, and an avatar. Finally you will have to assign it to a channel.

When you've completed this, it will generate you a URL that looks like: \

Yes... The URL is that big... but at the end of the day this effectively equates to: https://{team}{tokenA}/IncomingWebhook/{tokenB}/{tokenC}

Hence: The team name can be found in the generated webhook which looks like:

# ^ ^ ^ ^
# | | | |
# These are important <----------------^--------------------^----^

vs the legacy URL which looked like (always stating outlook as the team name):

# ^ ^ ^ ^
# | | | |
# legacy team reference: 'outlook' | | |
# | | |
# These are important <--------------^--------------------^----^

So as you can see, we have is 3 separate tokens. These are what you need to build your magic receipe URL with. In the above example the tokens are as follows:

  1. TokenA is ABCD@WXYZ
  2. TokenB is DEFG
  3. TokenC is HIJK


Valid syntax is as follows:

  • msteams://{team}/{tokenA}/{tokenB}/{tokenC}/

The Legacy format is also still supported. The below URL would automatically set the team name to outlook

  • msteams://{tokenA}/{tokenB}/{tokenC}/

Parameter Breakdown

teamYesExtracted from the incoming-webhook.
tokenAYesThe first part of 3 tokens provided to you after creating a incoming-webhook
tokenBYesThe second part of 3 tokens provided to you after creating a incoming-webhook
tokenCYesThe last part of 3 tokens provided to you after creating a incoming-webhook
templateNoOptionally point to your own custom JSON formatted Microsoft Teams MessageCard; See here for details on their formatting.