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Join Receipe

To use this plugin:

  1. Ensure your browser allows popups and visit
  2. To register you just need to allow the page to link with your Google Profile. The good news is it doesn't ask for anything too personal.
  3. Download the app for your phone from the Android Store here.
  4. Using your phone, when you first open the application, it will ask for a series of permissions and ask you a couple questions.
  5. If you just recently registered your device (in the previous step), you should now be able to refresh your browser at Your device should list itself. From here you can retrieve the API you need to worth with Magic Receipe.


Valid syntax is as follows:

  • join://{apikey}/
  • join://{apikey}/{device_id}
  • join://{apikey}/{device_id1}/{device_id2}/{device_idN}

Note: If no device is specified, then by default group.all is used.

Groups can be referenced like this (the group. part is optional):

  • join://{apikey}/group.{group_id}
  • join://{apikey}/group.{group_id1}/group.{group_id2}/group.{group_idN}
  • join://{apikey}/{group_id}
  • join://{apikey}/{group_id1}/{group_id2}/{group_idN}

If what you specify isn't a group or device_id then it is interpreted as a device_name as a fallback:

  • join://{apikey}/{device_name}
  • join://{apikey}/{device_name1}/{device_name1}/{device_nameN}

You can freely mix and match these combinations as well:

  • join://{apikey}/{device_id}/{group_id}/{device_name}

Parameter Breakdown

apikeyYesThe api key associated with your Join account.
device_idNoThe device identifier to send your notification to (a 32 bit alpha-numeri string).
device_nameNoThe device name (PC, Nexus, etc)
group_idNoThe group identifier to send your notification to.