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Flock Receipe

  • Official Website:
  • Icon Support: Yes
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per message

Account Setup

Flock has a lot of similarities to Slack. Flock notifications require an incoming-webhook or a app/bot it can connect to.

Incoming Webhook

You can generate an Incoming webhook from [here](]( Just follow the wizard to pre-determine the channel(s) you want your message to broadcast to. When you've completed this process you will receive a URL that looks something like this:

This effectively equates to:{token}

In this example the token is 134b8gh0-eba0-4fa9-ab9c-257ced0e8221


Bots are a bit more difficult and presume that you followed their instructions on setting on up your own app. Just like a webhook, you'll get your own {token} provided to you that allows you to message people and channels directly.


Valid receipes with an incoming webhook are:

  • flock://{token}/
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/

Valid receipes with an application / bot are: Note: the userid and channelid belong to the actual encoded id and not the public displayed value. For instance; if you have a channel called #general, it will have an encoded id associated with it that might look something like g:abcd1234defg. Users are identified in a similar fashion but are prefixed with u: instead of g:. These are the values you must specify here:

  • flock://{token}/u:userid
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/u:{user}
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/u:{user1}/u:{user2}/u:{userN}/
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/g:{channel}
  • flock://{token}/g:{channel}
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/g:{channel1}/g:{channel2}/g:{channelN}/
  • flock://{botname}@{token}/g:{channel}/u:{user}/

Parameter Breakdown

tokenYesThe first part of 3 tokens provided to you after creating a incoming-webhook and or an application/bot
channelNoChannels must be prefixed with a hash tag # or g:. They must represent the encoded id of the channel name (not the human readable reference) You can specify as many channels as you want by delimiting each of them by a forward slash (/) in the url.
userNoUsers must be prefixed with an at symbol @ or u:! They must represent the encoded id of the user name (not the human readable reference) You can specify as many users as you want by delimiting each of them by a forward slash (/) in the url.
botnameNoIdentify the name of the bot that should issue the message. If one isn't specified then the default is to just use your account (associated with the incoming-webhook).
imageNoAssociate an image with the message. By default this is enabled.